The Earth Pyramid
Delivering your message to the people of the future
A Global Time Capsule
Capturing the hopes and dreams of a generation and holding them safely for 1,000 years so that those in the next millennium can see how their ancestors felt about their time on Earth.
A Platform for Education
Creating a focal point for peace and environmental education that will allow children to connect on a global scale to discuss the issues they will be facing within their lifetimes.
Why a pyramid?
Why build an ancient pyramid in modern times?
Pyramids Are Forever
“Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids.” – Arab proverb.
Pyramids have proven to be one of the most durable types of architecture. Some ancient Egyptian pyramids have successfully carried their message over 4,000 years into the future.
Testing Old & New Theories
How the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built is one of the world’s greatest mysteries that has puzzled the human race for many years.
The construction process will give us the opportunity to test out the many theories there are surrounding ancient pyramid construction.
Sparking Global Interest
The pyramids are some of the most recognised structures on Earth, and the building of a new one will give us a unique opportunity to create a focal point that will capture the world’s imagination and give its inhabitants the chance to leave their legacy for future generations.
What our supporters say
A few words from supporters of the Earth Pyramid project.
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